Thursday, May 26, 2011

Week 6

Reflect on this week's lesson on the network effects of Web 2.0. Discuss how you have benefited from it.

Remember to embed the link of your blog website (from the tutorial) into your reflections.


  1. Effects on Web 2.0 is that we can now have the ability to share contents and connect with other people all around the world.
    Just like blogger an example of web 2.0, manages some of these exciting new features.
    We are also capable of getting each others info and news. More importantly we will have the urge to seek out friends in most of the social network just like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

    To share my experience on web 2.0, I have created my very own blog to commemorate the success of web 2.0.

    My blog is :

    Overall Web 2.0 has truly makes us more sociable.

  2. I have learnt a few things about Web 2.0 this week. First thing! FACEBOOK IS NOT PRIVATE! (well not totally) I was shocked, I mean very shocked actually that Facebook is not totally private!! I have actually regretted putting my privacy setting as "friends of friends" knowing that my other friends from my country can find me cause it has just been recently that they used facebook. But in the end, last year that I changed it to" Friends Only" I think its safer.

    Second thing! I think Web 2.0 totally changed how the people communicate through the Network Effect. For example, the creation of wikipedia caused the number of editor to grew, the quality of information on the website improves which encourages many people to use. There are negative effects as well such as it causes congestion and resource limitations.

    Thirdly, I learnt that we are very important to FACEBOOK as they make it difficult for us to delete our account if we want to. I thought Facebook was just a social networking site to meet friends and to share to our friends our activities. But I was totally wrong. hah!

    In conclusion, I can say that even though am 18yrs old now, I feel very new (totally noob) to internet world. I am glad that I've got to learn this in CIS. Thank You (:

  3. The network effects of Web2.0 are parts of bringing the world together as one and making people connect to others from around the world .

    As learn about the Direct / Indirect , Social network and Cross network effects from the slides i read , i feel that people are very much connecting to one another nowadays . Facebook , Twitter , MySpace and Flickr plays a major role in the network effects .

    Web2.0 included blogging . Last week , we will have to create a blog , embed a video in the blog . I have created my own blog to share with my classmates .

    Overall , Web 2.0 make us more sociable and more interactive with more people around us .

    My blog link :

  4. I learnt that Web 2.0 where it is a site that allows users to interact and collaborate with each other in a social media
    Tagging of photos is another technology in Web 2.0. For example, Facebook allowed us to tag our friends in photos and enable them to view it with just a click instead of having to search for a picture.

    Web 2.0 has affected my life, connects people and has become a part of my daily life. Now, we have so much interaction virtually that we don't need to meet our friends in real- life to know what is happening to them, or to interact with them by simply checking their Facebook status, reading their blog or twitter.

    my blog link:

  5. Web 2.0 allows us to connect with people around the world. This enable us in socializing with our friends and enable us to connect with the. Photo sharing and tagging friend in the photos has now been a trend around the world. People tend to share their information to the world (for example: Facebook). However, some people define the 2 aspects of sharing information are secrecy and privacy.
    Secrecy is a practice of hiding information from certain users or groups, perhaps while sharing it with other individuals, while privacy is reveal information selectively. People tend to mix up with the both of them by concluding them with the same meaning. Hence, the power of Web 2.0 is having more choices for users to choose whether they want to set it with privacy or make it secrecy.
    We also learn about the basic HTML which in turns wants us to create a blog.
    This is my blog link:

  6. Network effects from Web 2.0 has changed how we use the internet drastically you can share various things photos or new happenings in your life.

    The lesson has taught me how to create a blog and shows me a interesting way to share things with blogger so there are many websites out there providing you the ability to connect with people all around the world and share new things almost instantly on the internet.

    So in conclusion Web 2.0 has changed how we use the internet and can be said that it has brought they way we live in many ways.

    My blog link:

  7. The network effects of Web 2.0 able to let us access social interact around the world. Like facebook, twitter,blogging and etc. These can let us share a lot of interesting things with the outside world or with our friends or family. Therefore, web 2.0 is a useful network that can
    make our life much more interesting and fun learning.

    This lesson intro me how to create a blog using html code and design templates on Able to embed video link, share a map of somewhere, share a photo link, add a gadgets, add links. I find it very interesting about designing your own blog and able to share with my classmates.

    My Blog:

  8. Web 2.0 has changed our life drastically , because every human being wants to socialise , make friends with people , find out more about whats happening within our social circle , we are very much reliant on facebook , twitter and all the other social networking sites.

    although they consume time , it keeps us up to date with the latest news within our social circle.
    In the CIS lessons , we were taught that we are only 6 people away from another person.however that was before the world wide web was created but now with the internet, we use social networking sites that expands our social circle , we are now only 4 people away from someone who we want to find.

    web 2.0 has somehow shrunk our world , making communication with one another.

    Blog Link:

  9. Web2.o has made the social media become more interesting. I learn how to blog during friday lesson. I use html links to do alot of interesting stuff on blogging. I upload videos, i do mapping. One of the post on the table is quite confusing because the html link is confusing. I try to make my blog look more interesting by adding a chatbox beside it. So if people have any questions or comments about my blog can just shout at the chat box. So interesting isn't it? I also include all my classmates link below my chat box. This is also very interesting. once i click on my classmate name, it will link to their blog. Therefore, web2.0 creates a higher technology for us to share profile, picture, videos together and allow us to see what each other post. It will be fun !

    My blog link :

  10. This week's lesson has brought back lots of memories for me. As in the past, I did used to blog for a period of time back than, and thought that I would never ever touch back on blogging till now.

    Well as for the effect(s) of networking 2.0, I believe that most of us should have realized by now, that connecting with others, even strangers, have been made idiot-prove. Especially since there are detailed steps by steps instruction available. It has made great impact on me, as it allows me to be easily be in contact with people i know,, even to the extend of those from my childhood. Plus the benefits of making new friends easily, through mutual friends on facebook for example. Moreover, it is much more easier to plan outing(s) or event for our own group of people to catch up on, if we've have lost contact. Connecting us from all over the moment we get online, surely one of the best invention ever!

    P.S.: Here is my blog's link

  11. I have learnt that Web 2.0 basically have a few network effects, which includes cross-network and social-network effects. The purpose of it is to enable one to socialise with other people around the world. For example, a commonly use one, Facebook.

    For this lesson I have learnt more about blogging and even created one! We have created a blog and post in things such as a gadget, video, map, statistic table and etc. I find that it was relatively interesting to share with other bloggers or even your family and friends what you have posted. Although there were some difficulties during the process, such as putting in the table to our post, we managed to complete it. Overall I find that it was worth the time creating the blog!(:

    My blog link:

  12. This week, I've learnt how to create a blog!
    It was hard at first but after awhile, i got a hang of it.
    And I realised that blogger is a very user-friendly website as it has alot of gadgets for us to use.
    Rather than using HTML, we would be able to make use this gadgets instead!

    Blogger has shown me that I can learn more about my friend's situation by dropping by at their blog.

    Blogger has been a great help for people to share their feelings and even get counselling from their friends.

    Blog link:

  13. I love this week lesson! Practically because of the creating of blog. I remembered how I love creating blog skins of my preference last time. Hence, I'm pretty familiar with the HTML coding for certain parts.

    With web 2.0, interacting, contacting and catching up with friends have been so much simple now! Within a few clicks, I can go into friend's account and find out what they're doing. Similarly, with friends that I just made, I will talk to them online and when we meet up, I feel that we will talk more. It seems like we can get close fast by talking to each other online and commenting on their status etc etc.

    We can also find friends whom we've not met for a long time. Catching up with them is so much easier. We can also plan a meet up with our other friends easily by commenting on their status.

    Blog link:

  14. What I learn from this week is that the internet is a platform where loads of money is earned, it is where the values of the business or product increases with the number of people using it . I have also learned the positive and negative things about Network effects .Things such as overloading of system which causes congestion or Wikipedia
    I have also learned about blogging , DIDN’T know it was that tough , almost wanted to give up , but I managed to understand what to do !! with reference to the HTML websites of course . Overall I feel that what we learned in that lesson can be applied in the near future when doing projects or teaching people how to blog !!
    PS: here is my blog ,

  15. The effects of web 2.0 are that people are getting more connected through the network and allowing people to interact more in the web. With web 2.0, people can play games online. Social network such as facebook and twitter connect people around the world. Other effects of web 2.0 is that people are becoming more open by uploading photo and video to social network such as flickr and youtube. Web 2.0 also makes people's life much easier when they are organizing an event or making announcment.

    I have benefited quite a lot from web 2.0. I can find my friends overseas through facebook, chat with them and also see their latest photos. Web 2.0 also keeps me up-to-date with the current news and also what my friends are gossiping about.

  16. The network effect in web 2.0 help the information to spread rapid exponentially, without the network effect, i would not be able to find out news from the internet in the fastest time.

    Here is my blog link:

  17. I learnt how to create a blog and used the header and colspan, rowspan thingy to create a table in a blog post.

    The effects of web 2.0 are getting more people to be connected and interact with each other through the Internet.

    Therefore, what I have benefited from the lesson is that Web 2.0 had allowed me to play online facebook games like cityville and tetris battle and it also allows me to do my research and let me chat with friends online.

  18. web 2.0 has brought the world more connected, more bonded.web 2.0 allows blogging and tagging.with web 2.0, we can have facebook, twitter, alot other social networks. web 2.0 has allow human beings to be more open to the world.they show pictures, images of thier life to thier friends, and even people whom they do not even know.this can be made dangerous also.

    i have benefit from web 2.0.i have create a blog through this lesson, and i know how to do the basic things to help with my blog.i can also chat with my friends through this web 2.0.which has allow me to be more close to my friends.

    my blog link is

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. After last Friday's lesson, i learn how to blog. Web2.0 lies on the success of 2 technologies. One of them is blogging. From Friday lesson, i created a new blog of my own. And i realise that we can upload videos onto blog and share the video out to other people who view my blog. Other then that, i also learn mapping, i post a map out on Ngee Ann polytechnic Convection centre. I go search for it through google map then copy the embed link and paste in my post. I also learn how to form a table. It was so difficult and confusing. Other then these, i also add a chatbox into my blog so that other people can shout or comment through my chatbox. Below my chatbox was link of "NP IT08'2011" i place all my classmate link below there. It is so cool, by clicking it you can view my friends blog. How convenient it is ! Therefore i think blogging is very fun.

    My blog link :

  21. I have learnt that Web 2.0 basically have a few network effects, which includes cross-network and social-network effects. The purpose of it is to enable one to socialise with other people around the world. For example, a commonly use one, Facebook.

    For this lesson I have learnt more about blogging and even created one! We have to create a blog and post in things such as a gadget, video, map, statistic table and etc. I find that it was relatively interesting to share with other bloggers or even your family and friends what you have posted. Although there were some difficulties during the process, such as putting in the table to our post, we managed to complete it. Overall I find that it was worth the time creating the blog!(:

    My blog link:

  22. In this lesson ,i learnt that the web has changed a lot in the past few years . The Web 2.0 allows people to get more connected through the network and allow them to interact . Social media like Facebook and Tweeter helps people interact and share information in the net . We can now post pictures onto the web to share with our friends , we can also be constantly updated by the net . You can also get information very easily by just surfing the net .
